A New Staking Pool is added to Coreto’s Staking Reward Program!

Vlad Faraon
3 min readFeb 17, 2021

Dear Coreto Community,

We can not be more excited about how our community is growing, new “Coretians” joining us every day! This couldn’t have happened without the support of each and every one of you!

As our numbers grow, the time to add a new Staking Pool to our Reward Program has come.

How does it work?

We’ll make a large pool of staking rewards available to COR holders while also giving them loose staking terms. We’re setting aside 5,9 million COR tokens in rewards for the participants in this new staking pool.

You’ll gradually accumulate the rewards over the staking period, with the full percentage being realized at the maturity date.

In order to be able to stake your tokens, there is a minimum contribution requirement of 100,000 COR. Once the Pool Cap is reached, no further tokens can be allocated to staking.

The staking pool will open and accepting deposits starting Friday, February 19th, 20:00 UTC, and will be open for 5 days, or until the Cap is reached.

Without any further ado, please find below the details of the new staking pool:

“Space Traveler” — 6 months Staking Pool — Early withdrawal reward — 21% annualized

As we have our community’s interest at heart, you will have the option to withdraw early, after only 90 days, if you want to unstake some or all of your initial amount. Even if you choose to unstake early, you will still be liable for receiving rewards, but with a lower APR, in the amount of 21%.
But you should take into consideration that those who stake until the full maturity of the pool, will get an equal share of bonus rewards based on the rewards that were forfeited by people who unstaked early.

If it’s the first time joining our Staking Reward Program, then please make sure to go through this Staking Guide we’ve put together for our previous staking pools.
Note: We recommend using a desktop/laptop with Metamask, rather than your mobile with MobileConnect.

What’s next?

In the coming weeks, in preparation for our Alpha release, we’ll start publishing more relevant content that will help you better understand our vision and goals with Coreto.

Want to learn more about Coreto and our plans? Read about it in our Lightpaper or join our official communication channels.

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Vlad Faraon

Constantly “feeding my hunger” for doing good and help others reach a better version of themselves. Co-Founder & CBO @Coretoio